
Student Success

Congratulations to Emily, Daniel and Natalie Poga on their Touch Football success!

Artist Spotlight Tomas Ribeiro Louro

Meet Performing Artist Tomas Ribeiro Louro.

From the Principal

Our whole school assembly this week was a superb opportunity to reflect on community.

Careers Expo: Save the Date

Join us on campus next week for our Careers Expo.

Year 11 Chemistry

Students have been experimenting with chemical reaction rates.

Visual Art Excursion

Year 11 and Year 12 students enjoyed the Van Gogh Alive exhibition.

Student Success

Congratulations to Year 9 student Zoe Hooker on her athletics success!


Saint Juliana Falconieri OSM is a role model for servant leaders.

From the Principal

The Feast of the Annunciation is very significant for Servite College as a Marian school community.

Harmony Week

Thank you to our community for joining us in celebrating cultural diversity and inclusion.